sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Opinion about the readings of "Abilities"

The most important aspect for me in this reading, it's the way that the authors show us the process to acquire these language skills (speaking, reading and writing), starting from the early steps implicit in each one of them. It's an idea that we have analyzed in any moment of our lives as teachers, with the purpose to know why our students can develop better some abilities but others they can't.

Also, there are several examples of interesting activities which are possible to do in our classrooms.

It's a very deep topic that we have to follow reviewing to get better in our role as teachers of a second language.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

How would you recommend to teach videos in class?


I would recommend to teach this video in class because first, it's short and very easy to understand about what Randall is speaking. Second, it's a real american situation with a native speaker. Third, we can teach the topic of kinds of food. Fourth, the students can discuss and make comparisons about what people eat in America and what they eat currently for breakfast here.

How would you recommend to teach news and videos in class?


SANTA MARTA, MAGDALENA:A fabulous restaurant and watering hole overlooks Rodadero Beach. It's called Burukuka and it was named after the Indigenous that used to live on the little hill hundreds of years ago. Now, it's home to some of the best food in the North Coast.

I would recommend to teach this video in class because first, it's a real place located in Santa Marta, in our country. Second, it shows the traditions and culture of our caribbean region. Third, it's new for our students because this is a beautiful tourist place far from Neiva. Fourth, we can teach the topic about "food" with it. And when the students watch and listen the video at the same time, they understand easier what the reporter and the interviewed people say.


ESTA IMAGEN FUE TOMADA DE http://www.conmishijos.com/dibujos/Animales_de_la_granja_2_g.gif

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Task 2: Review of an article

"El Papel de la Mediación de Feuerstein en la Función Docente y en la Promoción de una Cultura de Paz" is an article written by Marcia Macionk. It appeared in Magisterio magazine, number 40, august-september 2009.

It's specific for us, the teachers, who have different problems in our schools and find difficult students everyday.

It speaks about twelve criteria of mediation, which are ideas to apply in the schools in order to create a culture of peace and develop the formative values in all members of the educative community.

The teacher is a mediator, who inspires and encourages the youngster to search, plan and achieve future goals for the welfare of everybody because students must feel they're part of a community, in the family, in the schools or in a group.

The principal work of a teacher must be related with students who are considered as violent or aggressive. We have the option to think they can change their problematic behaviours and modify their negative attitudes.

In our hands, we have our students' lives.